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Let’s Get Personal! Romantic Retreats

Posted by on Jan 4, 2014 in Blog, Let's Get Personal | 9 comments

Let’s Get Personal! Romantic Retreats

  Current Release!  Book #1 of the Dreamwalker Series. Check it out! Click on Quicksilver Dreams for Purchase   This month’s theme: Raunchy Romantic Retreats Where is a great place to get your groove on?  We all need “adult time” to catch up, rediscover each other’s naughty secrets and come home with silly, blushing grins that need no explanation.  Care to share? Here goes mine, and then I’d like to hear yours! La Jolla, CA – one of my favorite places to play… Okay.  Here’s what usually happens: Scene One Setting: Husband enters the room with that particular look on his face. A quick scan shows that no children are around.  A wolfish grin curls his yummy man lips. My husband: I need a few nights in La Jolla. Me: I’ll call Grandma. My husband: Make this happen soon. Me: I’m on it. Explanation: Why La Jolla?  Oceanside is on the way to La Jolla.  Grandma and Grandpa live in Oceanside and happen to think my children are awesome.  They love having the kidlets around for a few nights.  As we head toward our holiday romp down south, we make a quick stop in Oceanside and drop off the young ones with quick hugs and kisses before we head back to the car.  At this point, there may be some ass-grabbing followed by my own girlish giggles. The no kids thing is crucial.  It’s not that we can’t have a good adult time at home, but you know, there are always time constraints and noise factors to figure in to the equation.  And it’s really hard to have a good talk when you know little ears might be listening.  Having no restrictions let’s everyone relax and have a much better time. La Jolla is a wonderful little spot on the coast, host to my alma mater UCSD, so it’s been a playground of mine since I was a freshman in college.  There are some great little hotels close to, if not right on, the beach that don’t cost too much.  When you need some fresh air, you can take a walk along the sand, talk, do some snorkeling, sunbathing or swimming, eat delicious food from a diverse choice of restaurants and watch the sun set over the water.  The important thing for us is to make sure we’re still hitting on all cylinders, and we do that by keeping the home fires burning. Share your thoughts!  What are great getaways that keep the spark...

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Let’s Get Personal! Fantastic First Meets

Posted by on Dec 14, 2013 in Author, Blog, Let's Get Personal | 21 comments

Let’s have some fun with this.  Every month, I’ll have a different random, innocuous question that I’d love to ask as well as answer, and I invite all to participate in the conversation.  It’s always a kick to hear about others’ experiences, and I hope to meet some of you out there with a story to share. This month’s theme: Fantastic First Meets: Who has a great story to tell about how they met their partner? Was it serendipitous? Quirky? Romantic? Sizzling hot? Maybe it’s something that overlaps a number of different categories. The reason this particular theme comes to mind is because this month, I celebrate my 13th wedding anniversary with the most amazing partner anyone could ever have. Here’s my story: Seriously, it was fated.  I saw this man many places before I actually, officially met him. It all started when a good friend convinced me to join a particular gym.  It was a great kickboxing/muay thai/boxing gym, and I went nearly every day, which was partly the inspiration for my badass female character Taylor in Quicksilver Dreams.  I was in the most amazing shape of my life. (You have this kind of time when you’re single, right?)  One day, I was on a treadmill warming up, waiting for my muay thai class to start when I looked up and over to the guy on the treadmill next to mine.  A tall, hot guy was getting on it, but…truly… I didn’t think anything of it.  I was there for a serious workout, you know?  And so was he.  He had ear buds in, and barely spared me a glance before he was on the machine going at a serious pace.  This was all, and I went on to finish my time on the cardio machine before joining the muay thai class that was starting. A week later, I was out with afore-mentioned good friend again.  This time, we’d just parked in a parking garage in Pasadena, ready for a night out on the town.  As we got out of our car, I saw the guy again.  He was walking toward the elevator with another woman, and I still didn’t show much interest other than to say casually to my friend, “That guy goes to our gym.”  I jokingly referred to him as the “treadmill guy”. Okay, fast forward a few months and you’ll find me on my college campus taking some graduate level classes.  As I was walking down a particular hallway, I see him again.  This time, he’s dressed in casual clothes, and is pushing a cart containing an overhead projector and an assortment of teaching materials.  I was finding humor in that I’d seen this guy in so many places, and grinned at him.  I sort of paused and stared at him as he walked by, likely giving him the impression that I knew him.  He gave me a smile and cocked a finger at me in a friendly shootout and kept walking. Here’s the final jump in time which puts me a few quarters ahead in terms of the school calendar, nearly to the end of my academic program.  There was a class I’d been avoiding, a science class.  I had always been into literature and writing and cringed with the knowledge that I had to take this class.  In spite of being a mature, graduate student, I was still suffering PTSD from my high school science classes and was not looking forward to taking this class.  A friend who was going through the academic program with me pointed out a particular section of the class in...

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